
Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the blog of me, Andrew Gemmell or "The Tech", here you will find to story of not only me, but my life with cancer and everything else I have been through in my life. I try to update frequently, and if I don't please keep checking back because it is bound to happen sooner or later!!!


Friday, December 4, 2009

Wait...In the hospital again...Not for chemo?

So it has been a few days since I updated my blog, and in those few days there has been a major event. Hence the reason I am in the hospital again, not for chemo this time.

As you can see I am kind of smiling in the picture above, this is not because I am really happy to be in the hospital, but more because they have me drugged up so I can’t feel much of anything right now.

So when I came home from the hospital on the 30th of November I had a pretty bad pain in my bicep of my right arm (where my PICC line was). Also I could feel the vein like it was hard, and my arm was a bit warm and swollen. The Interventional Radiology team that put my PICC line in while doing the procedure told me that it may hurt a little. Well I wasn’t thinking he didn’t mean afterwords. So anyways after 2 days or so of it hurting, me putting heat on it, the pain spread to my chest, neck, ear, and head. This was bad news bears! So I talked to my mom, and then yesterday without hesitation we were on our way to Crouse Hospital ER. Well, we always have a lovely experience in the ER, NOT! We got there at about 10 am, and waited to be seen for about 45 minutes. We were supposed to go right in because I am a chemo patient and a cardiac patient and my doctors had called ahead. So really I could have been sitting there dying, or catching sometime because I am a chemo patient and I was in a room filled with sick people.

Anyways, once I finally got into the Triage room they did blood test and blah blah blah, the normal ER bullshit...they should just know me by now....no Joke...everyone else does....thats not a joke either. I mean come on today is day 23 since November 2nd when I started my chemo treatments that I have been in the hospital for one thing or another. The nurses are all getting to know me, and its nice because they are all so wonderful and great at what they do. They talk to me at night when I can’t sleep about anything, joking around, things that are bothering me, my ex girlfriend, I mean anything. They keep me sane while I am here because they are all right around my age and relate to me well!

Anyways, back to the story! So they did a bunch of test (this is the shortened version) and ultrasound of my arm, a CT of my chest, and of course more blood work, and found that I have a MASSIVE Blood-Clot in my right arm where all the pain was going on. Heres my reaction, “WTF if its not one thing its the other”. I am happy it wasn’t an infection, but at the same time it sucks cause it hurts so damn bad.

So now they have me on pain killers, blood thinners, and Heprin drip trying to get things under control. Seems to be working for now, I am pretty damn tired though. I will write more later though, I need to get some rest.

Hope you all have a great day!

-The Tech

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