
Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the blog of me, Andrew Gemmell or "The Tech", here you will find to story of not only me, but my life with cancer and everything else I have been through in my life. I try to update frequently, and if I don't please keep checking back because it is bound to happen sooner or later!!!


Thursday, January 21, 2010


So today on twitter I wrote cancer a little note, and then posted it on Facebook, it read:

“Dear Cancer,
Just because you are gone from my body...doesn't mean I don't have a vendetta towards you...your fucked!

- The Tech”

With that said, that is really how I feel. I am not going to stop until either I die or there is a cure for cancer. I am going to keep supporting people, I am going to keep raising awareness, and I am going to keep kicking cancers ass ever day of my life in every way I can. For those of you that read this and may think I can be vulgar, I apologize...but I am fed up with the way cancer can take over people’s lives. I am doing this not only for me, or my twitter peeps (love you all), but for every person that has had, has been affected by, or will be affected by cancer. Which is really a good majority of people.

Right now I feel pretty damn sick. and I think I am going to pass out. I will do an actual Blog post tomorrow...

Love you all, and thanks for reading!!!

- The Tech

Monday, January 18, 2010


So last night was the first event for Protect Your Pair. We had 3 great bands, and I want to thank them for everything!

Also, I want to thank the Westcott Theater, and the people running it. You guys were great!

I want to thank everyone that came out! Without you there we wouldn’t have been as successful as we were.

Finally I want to thank Jenn! You set it allll up and I have to give you credit! Love Ya!

Anyways, Lets see now...The picture I put with this one is from last night. News Channel 10 was there and interviewed both Jenn and I. It is nice to see that the media around here wants to help us spread the word!

We had a pretty good turnout last night, well not really but I would say it was good for our first event that we planned in a month. I think if we can have more time to plan the event, then we will be more successful.

Anyways, I have been sleeping pretty much all day, and I am still exhausted, so unfortunately I think I am going to go to sleep soon!

Love you all!

- The Tech

Friday, January 15, 2010

I was on the news today!

So here was my day...

6:00 am - Alarm going off....I wake up and go, “F&^% where is my phone!” because Obviously that is priority #1 when I wake up. So...I have to say...I love my iPhone, one reason being because I can locate it on my MobileMe account online and then have it play a noise so I can find it haha. So what did I do? Instead of using that first I began to rip my bed apart because I knew it was there. So I stopped and went on my computer to make it play the noise. Once it started going off again I started ripping things apart again haha then the noise moved....Yea I flung my phone down to the end of my bed, then between my bed and the footboard, and then on to the ground. Then I celebrated’ “HA FOUND YA!”

6:30 am - Stumble out of my room to the bathroom...start the shower...then stand there for 10 minutes trying to decide if I should shave my head again. Decided not to, got in the shower, tried not to fall asleep in the water, then did.

6:55 am - Jumped out of the shower, went “Oh S%#$ ITS 6:55!” Speedily got dressed, went downstairs, and my mom wasn’t ready to go.

7:20 am - Got on the road to the Doctors...

8:00 am - Went and check in at the front desk at the doctors, and headed upstairs for blood work. Got all that done and saw the NP Pam, and they decided I should have a blood transfusion today! YAY...not.

9:45 am - Arrived at news station and got settled in and talked to people from the station.

10:15 am - Live on the News for their show “Bridge Street” See above video...

11:00 am - at the hospital for a transfusion...

6:30 pm - left damn hospital after transfusion and tried to nap on the way home, but was not successful because of the steroids they gave me.

7:30 pm - got home, texted everyone that had been after my phone died, sorry everyone! Love you all, but I am talking to you now!

After that, who knows other than the blogging...and all this texting and chatting with my favorite people in the world! My #chemofamily, my #tweeps, and everyone else haha!

Ok...off to be lazy!

-The Tech

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Relay For Life

So today I have setup my Relay for Life team in the name of Protect Your Pair. If you go to Protect Your Pair you can either join my team, or make a donation to my team! Either way it would be incredible!! I am going to keep this blog short and sweet because I actually have so much to get done today.

I am feeling much better today than I was yesterday, eating normal, got a letter from a friend today which was incredible...one of my #chemofamily. Watched Drew today on the Price Is Right, and have been emailing to make sure I am ready not only to be on the News Tomorrow morning, but also to make sure I am ready for the Event on Sunday. Again for more information on the Protect Your Pair Event, go to www.protectyoupair.org and check it out!

I want to thank you all again for all your support, and I want to give a special thanks also to Kevin Keefe for plugging my cause and my event on his radio show last night! Everyone should check it out if you like live comedy talk shows, it is www.walkupradio.com and they broadcast live from Wise Guys Comedy Club here in Syracuse every Wednesday night at 8. I have to warn you though that it is not something you will want your children listening to most likely, so considered your self informed!

Thanks Again Everyone,

-The Tech!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So I am going to be on the news!

So haha yea like I said in the title of this blog, I am going to be on the news. Well I guess technically its not the news, it is a local TV show called “Bridge Street” on New Channel 9. A friend of mine that I met while going through the hospital and his wife told the news station about my Protect Your Pair campaign, and they found it interesting enough to ask me to be on their show on Friday so I can promote it and the event that I am holding this coming Sunday! So if you are in the Central New York area tune in the News Channel 9 at 10 am for Bridge Street and to see my bald ass head on the news to promote my cause!

I have to take a second say thank you to Paul and Ruth Ann for mentioning it and I hope all is well with Paul!!! Email me!

So beyond that, lets talk about how I am feeling today. So I have been out of the hospital for a few days and things have been up and down...today for some reason...much more down than up. I woke up this morning with a horrible stomach ache, which Zofran started to take care of along with my other cocktail of drugs that are trying to keep me feeling good. I guess I didn’t expect to feel worse after feeling so much better.

Today, is going to be a really lazy day I think...lots of naps...and hopefully food, we shall see about that though. I have already ate a little bit today, and at first it was making me feel better, but not so much anymore. I think I will try again, maybe I just need to get more food in my system to be able to start feeling better. I am going to keep telling myself that at least for now!

Well, I think that will be all for now. Time to put on some tunes, sit back, relax, and probably fall asleep...blah!

-The Tech

Oh PS, I am thinking about adding another section to mywebsite...I will add more details later once I throw some ideas around!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dear Cancer,

don’t know if you have heard, but I have just beat you. You are the weakest link! You thought you could take me down, actually you thought you could take me down twice. Well, I have a really funny story for you. It is about me, and the way that my family, friends, nurses, doctors, supporters, and fans have driven me to be able to kick your ass.

I will keep this note short, I just wanted you to know that. I hate you, and I will never let you win!



So, now onto my actual blog post. I am currently home! Done with my final treatment, and in my recovery process. Which at first involves a lot of struggling to eat, sleeping, getting upset, and trying not to snap on people that don’t deserve it. Though it is a bit easier to deal with the stress, feeling bad, sick, and anxious since they gave me Marinol. I think I want to be a spokes person for the company that manufactures that because they are doing a wonderful thing! I mean I have to say a few things here that maybe people won’t really like. Here it goes though:

Things I have realized -

. -I have known people that have gone through chemo, and you have no idea what it is really like until you go through it yourself. That is what made me want to start up Protect Your Pair because I cannot imagine not trying to make a difference when there are people suffering!

. -That it is ok to let go and let yourself let out what you are feeling when there is so much pent up inside you that you are ready to explode. If I had not cried, bitched, or let myself out in my blogs I do not know what I would have done now!

. -That using Marijuana as a medicine for cancer patients should be a NATIONAL THING! I mean I was not given medical Marijuana, but Marinol it the closest thing I have gotten to. I don’t care what your views on this are or what you think of me for believing in this. Before the doctors put me on Marinol I was losing weight in a horrible way, I felt really sick a lot of the time, and I was in a horrible snappy mood most of the time. So I mean for whoever reads this, keep an open mind...think of people that could actually use it as a medicine...it wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

Anyways now that I have said that I am going to plug for the event that is a week from today! I am very excited, but at the same time very nervous! I am sure it will be successful and I don’t really care if we don’t get a lot of people. I mean I do, but hey whoever comes out to support it that is awesome! It is our first event, and hopefully we will be able to keep on keeping on from here after this one! Actually I know we will be able to because I am not going to let this fail because it is way to important to me. For more details please check out the website, www.protectyourpair.org or email us for more information at info@protectyourpair.org

So here is the important information, the event is on Sunday January 17th. The doors open at 5 pm and it is $10 at the door! There are 4 bands, and it is an ALL AGES show, because our purpose is to reach out the the younger generation!

I hope to see everyone there, and please if you are there please please please come and say hi to me! I would love to be able to thank everyone personally that shows up and that has supported me!

That brings me to something else, please please please do not hesitate to contact me if you want to help out in anyway, or have ideas for future events. Your input would be great, because we would all love to be able to attract more people to help support this cause!

Ok, Blog done for the night!

I love you all!!

I will keep updating as the days go on from recovery!


-The Tech!

Friday, January 8, 2010


I am currently laying in my hospital bed, I started my final treatment today about an hour ago, and I am extremely excited to be able to say that!

I thought this morning would be a video blog but there is things going on with my roommate with my room that would not be pleasant for a video blog. I feel so bad for him right now, he literally thinks he is dying right now he is in such pain, and really not to complain but I am not feeling so hot myself right now.

I really haven’t been able to eat anything in the last couple of days, just because my stomach has been off for the last couple of days and that is starting to make me feel sick (the lack of eating). I have yet to actually be sick during my treatments, which I am very thankful for.

Ok side note, to hear the man in the bed next to me praying for god to take him easily is kind of freaking me out. I cannot imagine being in that much pain. All I want to do is help him, so I am trying to talk to him but in my attempts I don’t think he realizes that I am talking to him because of all the pain he is in. I don’t want to go to far into detail because it really is not my place, but this is sure making for an interesting part to my morning lol.

So I need to get off that topic because it is making me pretty...sad, and I am just laying here listening to it anyways, and you my dear readers don’t need to experience this with me.

So not to seem insensitive, but I am moving on. I am trying to make the best of this FINAL TREATMENT! Only a few hours left, thats all. Then rest for the day, take it easy, and get myself in the mental state for the roads that I have ahead of me. I am going to work on Protect Your Pair, to my fullest extent and accept any help or suggestions that anyone wants to give me. Please check out the site and let me know what you think. Protect Your Pair’s first event is going to be on Sunday January 17th, I hope to see you all there and you can also get more information about that on the Protect Your Pair website on the events page.

Anyways, now I think it is time for me to look back on what everyone has done for me. Since November 2nd when I started my treatment I have to thank every single one of the nurses, assistants, and doctors that have helped me through my treatments. Whether it was caring for me during the days of treatment, working with everyone else to try to make things easier for me, or just lending an ear and listening to something I had to say about treatment or life or whatever I wanted to talk about.

Thank you to EVERY NURSE that took care of me on that floor. I have to say it is the best care I have ever got while being in the hospital. Thank you for making me laugh, listening to what I was blabbering on about, and just like I said before, taking the best care of me I have ever got in the hospital. I don’t think you all know how much you really help all of the patients on 4S. I don’t think I could have gotten through it without the care that you gave, or the jokes that we shared, like asking the only male nurse that I had for a sponge bath (which didn’t happen at 3 am that night) but it made me laugh anyways while I was having trouble sleeping. You all know who you are, and I really appreciate every single one of you! THANK YOU again so much for everything you did for me!

Thank You to EVERY ASSISTANT that helped all the nurses take care of me while I was there. Without you things would probably be a lot harder on that floor. You talk to people just like the nurses, and make people feel better everyday. Watching your interactions with other patients and myself has made me really want to help people, just like the nurses made me want to help people, and just like the doctors have made me want to help people. Of course there is one assistant that sticks out in my mind, and you Mr. Singing Man, wanting to try and steal my girlfriend, were and are a great friend. I cannot express enough how much you and all the other staff mean to me. THANK YOU!

Thank You to EVERY DOCTOR that helped me through my treatment. You all did everything you could for me, from just talking to me like everyone else did, or bringing me a cheese pizza when I was in for a blood clot, bringing me chocolates before I went home for Christmas, or even just making inside jokes with myself and the other doctors. Thank you for doing everything you have, and I am sure everything you are going to do for me in the future!!

Thank you TWITTER PEEPS! You guys and gals have pulled me through some rough days from all over the country and all over the world! I really do not know where I would be without you!!! You are all so special to me! Between some of us changing our names to match each other, meeting some of the best friends and cancer survivors I will ever meet! I cannot wait to meet you all in person someday at an event that I hold near you! You all really have inspired me more than I would have ever expected. I got on Twitter so I could find an easy way other than this site for my family and friends to follow my progress. Really I have a whole new section to my family and friends now and you know who you are #chemofamily. I love you all, THANK YOU for helping me so much!

Thank you to my FRIENDS. Thank you to everyone of you that visited me, called me, texted me, emailed me, sent me a message on Facebook, ok you get the idea! Thank you guys and gals! Thank you Jenn for really getting me/us rolling on Protect Your Pair, without your help and wanting to help me I don’t know if I would have got rolling as well as I have without you. No I know that without you I wouldn’t have gotten working on this so fast while I was going through my treatment. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Finally to my FAMILY, without you I don’t know where the hell I would be without any of you today! Taking me to the doctors, to the hospital, staying with me at the hospital. I have never been so appreciative of my family. You made sure I had everything I needed and still will, you made my life as easy as you possibly could through my treatment. To all of you, THANK YOU SO MUCH and I LOVE YOU. I really really really cannot find the words right now to emphasize how much you mean to me. SO SO SO SO much! I really do love you all so much and thank you all for helping me!

Ok to wrap this up for now I have to say a couple things, one is F#$% YOU CANCER WHAT NOW? Kicked your @$$ once again. The second would be everyone everyone everyone please please please make sure and get checked, especially if you are really showing some sign, not that you can really tell if you actually have cancer on your own. Take it from a survivor, you do not want to go through this, unless you really want a life changing experience that has made you a totally brand new person. I would say that it totally not worth going through this though, I would first recommend just looking at your life and figure out what you need to change and what you want to do! The third, please appreciate every day you have. I have seen some sick people while I have been in the hospital, and I used to think I was in bad condition. I realize now that life is precious, and it is not to be wasted. Please please please remember that because life really is a beautiful thing.

Ok I need to try and get some more rest for now!

I love you all so much! I cannot express that enough!


Monday, January 4, 2010

My Last Week Of Treatment!

So I am just finishing the first day of my last week of treatment....and SHIT AM I EXCITED! Can you tell by the picture?...No? Well you should be able to!

I am in great spirits, and I have a great group of friends, and a great family, and the best set of nurses ever. Like no shit!

So I am actually typing this at 1:41 am in Tuesday because I cannot sleep and I have some great conversation right now!

But day 1 of my final treatment has gone great! Seeing people here that I have been taking care of me for the last couple months.

I am way to distracted right now though. I would do a videoblog but I Have a roomate that is trying to sleep. hahaha Maybe tomorrow..

Shout OUT TO MY TWEEPS! MY CHEMOFAMILY, love you guys,,

-The Tech

Over and Out