
Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the blog of me, Andrew Gemmell or "The Tech", here you will find to story of not only me, but my life with cancer and everything else I have been through in my life. I try to update frequently, and if I don't please keep checking back because it is bound to happen sooner or later!!!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Ahhh What the hell

So you have to love this, two day....two days that is all until my treatment on wednesday and I wake up...feeling like shit. Oh yea real fun stuff here, I mean I hate it when I feel nauseas when I am treatment, but at least there is an actual reason for it then. I mean I guess there could be a reason that is legitimate for this too, but come one...I have been feeling sooooo good the last few days that I am a little put out by this.

Anyways, last night I had a pretty good night. I went to my brothers with my mom and dad and helped my dad and my brother put up some boarder for their babies room that is being re-done right now. It is almost finished it seems, I haven’t really been able to help with that room because of my treatment that has been going on, so I was glad I got to help him with it yesterday. Then while my brother and father finished putting up the last piece of border, I went and sat down with my sister-in-law and we were talking about my brother and her new phones that they just got. The HTC Droid Eris, Oh My God, is that an awesome phone! I really with AT&T would carry an Android phone...I really want to get one, but I don’t want to switch carriers...at least right now. Anyways, we had dinner over there last night, my brother made Lasagna and it was delicious! I ate it really fast, but I was starving from not eating much all day, and not to mention taking my Marinol.

So last night we came home, I sat down with my sister and her boyfriend, and watched part of Tropic Thunder. There are some parts in that movie that crack me up, then others where I kind of want to slap whoever wrote it for making it so awkward at times.

Anyways I ended up back in my bed last night, thinking about writing a blog last night, but I didn’t feel I had a lot to write about at the time. So instead I worked on my other website, which at this point still has the coming soon page up, but it is exciting anyways...the baseline for the site is really coming along, but once we have all the information for it together then I will really be able to take off with it.

So anyways, I thought that sitting up and doing something might make me feel better...turns out it hasn’t....soooooo I am going to go back to sleep for now, but I will be back on with more later I am sure.

So long for now!

-The Tech

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