
Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the blog of me, Andrew Gemmell or "The Tech", here you will find to story of not only me, but my life with cancer and everything else I have been through in my life. I try to update frequently, and if I don't please keep checking back because it is bound to happen sooner or later!!!


Monday, November 30, 2009

Home from treatment week 2

So I am home from treatment, and feel....like crap.

I hate to be down, and I hate to let people see me that I am down. This may take me a little while for me to type, because right now my finger tips a bit in pain, and a bit numb.

I am really trying to keep this page going so people can keep up with me, and keep up with whats going on in my life, and make it so people in the future can learn from my experiences.

I know this may sound crazy, but I was just having a conversation with one of my friends, well ex-girl friends that is actually a very good friend now. Today though my girlfriend and I broke up, not because I was mad at her, or because she was mad at me, but because she and I have a lot going on. I have chemo and all this shit, and she has school and we are better as friends, which is nice that I can still have a friend in her and support for me while I battle through what I am.

Anyways, I said to my friend, that this may sound morbid, and this may sound crazy, but I mean I wish by this time in my life even though I am only 24 I wish that I had a son or daughter now and been married and still happily married. Now that there is anyone in specific that I would have wanted to have done this by now. Well maybe there is but that is for a later date. (shhh its her) Haha I know your probably reading this right now and you know who you are!

Anyways, to keep things simple for now, after talking to her I have been feeling a lot better today, not my body really but my soul. She has cheered me up and I want her to know that. You are a great friend, and I am so happy that you are happy in your life. I love you and always will, you know that.

I am going to end all of my blogs, or a lot with:


Right now I am battling myself and my cancer and what to do about a lot of things right now, and anyone and everyone please feel free to IM me, email me, whatever leave me a comment because they all mean so much to me.

I love you all, some people in more ways than others (you know who you are)

Talk to you maybe later when I have calmed down a bit.

-The Tech

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