
Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the blog of me, Andrew Gemmell or "The Tech", here you will find to story of not only me, but my life with cancer and everything else I have been through in my life. I try to update frequently, and if I don't please keep checking back because it is bound to happen sooner or later!!!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So I am going to be on the news!

So haha yea like I said in the title of this blog, I am going to be on the news. Well I guess technically its not the news, it is a local TV show called “Bridge Street” on New Channel 9. A friend of mine that I met while going through the hospital and his wife told the news station about my Protect Your Pair campaign, and they found it interesting enough to ask me to be on their show on Friday so I can promote it and the event that I am holding this coming Sunday! So if you are in the Central New York area tune in the News Channel 9 at 10 am for Bridge Street and to see my bald ass head on the news to promote my cause!

I have to take a second say thank you to Paul and Ruth Ann for mentioning it and I hope all is well with Paul!!! Email me!

So beyond that, lets talk about how I am feeling today. So I have been out of the hospital for a few days and things have been up and down...today for some reason...much more down than up. I woke up this morning with a horrible stomach ache, which Zofran started to take care of along with my other cocktail of drugs that are trying to keep me feeling good. I guess I didn’t expect to feel worse after feeling so much better.

Today, is going to be a really lazy day I think...lots of naps...and hopefully food, we shall see about that though. I have already ate a little bit today, and at first it was making me feel better, but not so much anymore. I think I will try again, maybe I just need to get more food in my system to be able to start feeling better. I am going to keep telling myself that at least for now!

Well, I think that will be all for now. Time to put on some tunes, sit back, relax, and probably fall asleep...blah!

-The Tech

Oh PS, I am thinking about adding another section to mywebsite...I will add more details later once I throw some ideas around!

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