
Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the blog of me, Andrew Gemmell or "The Tech", here you will find to story of not only me, but my life with cancer and everything else I have been through in my life. I try to update frequently, and if I don't please keep checking back because it is bound to happen sooner or later!!!


Friday, January 15, 2010

I was on the news today!

So here was my day...

6:00 am - Alarm going off....I wake up and go, “F&^% where is my phone!” because Obviously that is priority #1 when I wake up. So...I have to say...I love my iPhone, one reason being because I can locate it on my MobileMe account online and then have it play a noise so I can find it haha. So what did I do? Instead of using that first I began to rip my bed apart because I knew it was there. So I stopped and went on my computer to make it play the noise. Once it started going off again I started ripping things apart again haha then the noise moved....Yea I flung my phone down to the end of my bed, then between my bed and the footboard, and then on to the ground. Then I celebrated’ “HA FOUND YA!”

6:30 am - Stumble out of my room to the bathroom...start the shower...then stand there for 10 minutes trying to decide if I should shave my head again. Decided not to, got in the shower, tried not to fall asleep in the water, then did.

6:55 am - Jumped out of the shower, went “Oh S%#$ ITS 6:55!” Speedily got dressed, went downstairs, and my mom wasn’t ready to go.

7:20 am - Got on the road to the Doctors...

8:00 am - Went and check in at the front desk at the doctors, and headed upstairs for blood work. Got all that done and saw the NP Pam, and they decided I should have a blood transfusion today! YAY...not.

9:45 am - Arrived at news station and got settled in and talked to people from the station.

10:15 am - Live on the News for their show “Bridge Street” See above video...

11:00 am - at the hospital for a transfusion...

6:30 pm - left damn hospital after transfusion and tried to nap on the way home, but was not successful because of the steroids they gave me.

7:30 pm - got home, texted everyone that had been after my phone died, sorry everyone! Love you all, but I am talking to you now!

After that, who knows other than the blogging...and all this texting and chatting with my favorite people in the world! My #chemofamily, my #tweeps, and everyone else haha!

Ok...off to be lazy!

-The Tech

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