
Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the blog of me, Andrew Gemmell or "The Tech", here you will find to story of not only me, but my life with cancer and everything else I have been through in my life. I try to update frequently, and if I don't please keep checking back because it is bound to happen sooner or later!!!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dear Cancer,

don’t know if you have heard, but I have just beat you. You are the weakest link! You thought you could take me down, actually you thought you could take me down twice. Well, I have a really funny story for you. It is about me, and the way that my family, friends, nurses, doctors, supporters, and fans have driven me to be able to kick your ass.

I will keep this note short, I just wanted you to know that. I hate you, and I will never let you win!



So, now onto my actual blog post. I am currently home! Done with my final treatment, and in my recovery process. Which at first involves a lot of struggling to eat, sleeping, getting upset, and trying not to snap on people that don’t deserve it. Though it is a bit easier to deal with the stress, feeling bad, sick, and anxious since they gave me Marinol. I think I want to be a spokes person for the company that manufactures that because they are doing a wonderful thing! I mean I have to say a few things here that maybe people won’t really like. Here it goes though:

Things I have realized -

. -I have known people that have gone through chemo, and you have no idea what it is really like until you go through it yourself. That is what made me want to start up Protect Your Pair because I cannot imagine not trying to make a difference when there are people suffering!

. -That it is ok to let go and let yourself let out what you are feeling when there is so much pent up inside you that you are ready to explode. If I had not cried, bitched, or let myself out in my blogs I do not know what I would have done now!

. -That using Marijuana as a medicine for cancer patients should be a NATIONAL THING! I mean I was not given medical Marijuana, but Marinol it the closest thing I have gotten to. I don’t care what your views on this are or what you think of me for believing in this. Before the doctors put me on Marinol I was losing weight in a horrible way, I felt really sick a lot of the time, and I was in a horrible snappy mood most of the time. So I mean for whoever reads this, keep an open mind...think of people that could actually use it as a medicine...it wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

Anyways now that I have said that I am going to plug for the event that is a week from today! I am very excited, but at the same time very nervous! I am sure it will be successful and I don’t really care if we don’t get a lot of people. I mean I do, but hey whoever comes out to support it that is awesome! It is our first event, and hopefully we will be able to keep on keeping on from here after this one! Actually I know we will be able to because I am not going to let this fail because it is way to important to me. For more details please check out the website, www.protectyourpair.org or email us for more information at info@protectyourpair.org

So here is the important information, the event is on Sunday January 17th. The doors open at 5 pm and it is $10 at the door! There are 4 bands, and it is an ALL AGES show, because our purpose is to reach out the the younger generation!

I hope to see everyone there, and please if you are there please please please come and say hi to me! I would love to be able to thank everyone personally that shows up and that has supported me!

That brings me to something else, please please please do not hesitate to contact me if you want to help out in anyway, or have ideas for future events. Your input would be great, because we would all love to be able to attract more people to help support this cause!

Ok, Blog done for the night!

I love you all!!

I will keep updating as the days go on from recovery!


-The Tech!

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