
Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the blog of me, Andrew Gemmell or "The Tech", here you will find to story of not only me, but my life with cancer and everything else I have been through in my life. I try to update frequently, and if I don't please keep checking back because it is bound to happen sooner or later!!!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Watching the SU game, getting ready to go...and stuff

So lets see, lets start with watching the SU game. I am currently watching the game, and I am jealous that Kevin is out in Buffalo at the game. He sent me a picture of where he is sitting, and he has great seats! I am really hoping that SU moves on to the next round! Anyway, now onto getting ready to go. This afternoon my sister, her boyfriend, my mother and I are headed to Florida!! I haven’t been there in years!

There is more than one reason for us to be going to Florida. I am going so I can see my grandfather, and so I can get away finally. I have been wanting to get away for a long while now, but because of chemo and all of the crap that went along with that, I haven’t been able to! Also we are going because my little sister is going to help one of her friends at a horse show!

So I had this great idea today, I am going to wear my Walk Up Radio shirt on the way to Florida, and at every stop we make throughout the states I am going to have someone take a picture of me with it on. For those of you that may be new to my blog, or haven’t hear me talk about Walk Up Radio it is a Live, Interactive, Hilarious Internet Radio show. It consists of three people, Joshua Grosvent, Kevin Keefe, and Paulie Scibilia. These three guys have to be the funniest people I know. They have great topics that they talk about, and they are just out of control. For those of you that don’t like crude humor, I must warn you this is probably not for you, though it is hilarious so I don’t know why people wouldn’t like that. For more information go to www.walkupradio.com, or search for their podcast on iTunes.

Beyond that I miss my BFF...Kelly...she and I spent a few days together, and her daughter Olivia was with us too! She came out to the house to stay and it was awesome to have the two of them to keep me company. Now that she is gone though I miss her.

Also I am not sure if I told everyone this or if people know but recently I redesigned the Protect Your Pair website. Check it out, let me know what you think!

I have been thinking lately about finally getting my second tattoo. There are so many I want, but I think have narrowed it down to two that I am split between for my next one. My first idea is simple, and it is a scottish proverb, “Is mios' an t-eagal na 'n cogadh.” which is Gaelic for “Fear is worse than Fighting”. I know that if I don’t get that now, I know I will eventually. My second idea is a sleeve on my right arm that would be worked around my binary tattoo that I already have. For those of you that don’t know about my binary tattoo, it all converts out to say Livestrong. I got it not long after I was diagnosed with cancer the first time, and still love it even though I have had it for almost 2 years now. For the sleeve that I want to get around it I want these things incorporated in it:

-an infusion machine on the pole
-3 IV bags each with one of the chemo drug names on it, but the one with bleomycin on it to have an X through it.
-a cancer ribbon with the dates of each diagnosis at the bottom if them 3-26-2008 and 10-16-2009
-maybe the third date of 1-9-2010 which was the last day I had chemo
-The words “How we survive is what makes us who we are” which is from a Rise Against song
-the connectors for a PICC line

I am still working on it a little bit, and then of course I need to have it drawn up, because I am pretty bad at drawing lol.

Ok, lets see...I am making so progress on the book still. I am hoping to just work in it a ton on this trip I am about to take, because I am going to have a lot of time in the car when I am not driving! Also I am going to try and upload a picture and update my blog every day while I am there, but I have no idea if I am going to have internet at my grandfathers house...so it may just be a picture each day that I upload on my facebook!

So Long for now everyone! I will update from the road!!

-The Tech

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