So its the day before Thanksgiving, and I am in for my second round of 5 day treatment. I have not updated this in awhile but, after my first week of treatment I wasn’t feeling too crappy, until a few days later I came down with something and my immune system was shot so of course my body couldn’t fight it off. So I ended up in the Emergency Room, thinking that I may have the swine flu with a fever.
Lets pause for a second. This SUCKED. I spent another 5 days in the damn hospital, this time not for chemo, but because I was actually sick. So by now I had spent 11 days in the hospital by the 17th of November, and I only started my treatments on the second.
So after that fun trip, I went home and was scheduled to go to the doctors office for my Bleomycin treatment on Thursday the 19th. Well lets just say that I didn’t quite get my treatment. When I went to the office they noticed (which I should have) that my heart was in an irregular rhythm! Imagine that, I have had heart problems my whole life, and I didn’t even realize something was going on. I guess it is because I have been feeling off from the chemo treatments. Anyways, I went to my Cardiologist, and determined that I was in Atrial Fib. So now the story gets more fun! My doctor played around with my Pacemaker (OMG yes I have one for those of you that didn’t know that) and I was then admitted to 4 North at Crouse Hospital in Syracuse. They gave me some drugs, Rhythmol (has another name google it if you want to know more) which took me out of A-Fib, and put me back into a Sinus Rhythm (GO ME!).
So I went home the next day, which would have been the 20th, got some rest and was ready for the weekend...which meant sleep, lots of sleep because of the damn chemo drugs still messing with my system. Sunday though we celebrated Thanksgiving! It was a nice dinner with my mom, dad, brother, sister in law, little sister, her boyfriend Derek (hopefully future brother in law because I like him and he is super cool) and of course I can’t forget Cassie <3.>
So then next day, the 23rd, I went to the doctor for a little checkup with my Oncologist. They drew some blood, because they are so good at it there, and then I saw my doctor. He is such a nice guy, and very caring. I can’t imagine having his job. He see’s so many people that are in pain, has to give people the news that they do or don’t have cancer, and just has to see so many sick people that are having what is probably the hardest time of their lives. I have to give him credit, he always has a smile on his face, and always has a positive outlook. Anyways, now that I have told you all that he came into talk to me, and said, “we need to stop the Bleomycin, I am afraid that since it gave you a rash that it could give you a worse reaction if we keep giving it to you.” Forgot to tell you that, the Bleomycin gave me a rash on my shoulders and back, and that is the most dangerous drug arewere giving me. So now my treatment will not be three 5 day treatments in the hospital, it will be four :( hey anything to make myself better though!
So now, it is the 25th, and I am sitting here typing away, chatting with friends on AIM, and watching Myth Busters, because I love this damn show. Beyond that I think I had the best wrap ever from the Pita Pit. It was Tuna, BBQ sauce, onions, lettuce, and Jalapenos on a white pita....oh god was it delicious. My mom went and got it for me...I might get the same thing tomorrow if I and feeling adventurous again! My mom stayed tonight until about 8:30, she is here with my everyday. My dad, brother and sister come in when they can. I don’t ever say it, but I love them all so much, and I don’t know where I would be without all of them and all of their support throughout my life and all that I have been through. I love you guys, and thank you for everything.
I think for now I am going to have to say goodnight though, I am feeling kinda crappy now that they have started the meds, but I am going to start updating every day from now on. Even after my treatments are done, because I want a record of my life for future generations to see. Whether they be my kids or grand kids if I have them in the future or my brother and sisters kids and grand kids, so they can know who I am or was, whatever the case may be at that point. I know that may sound a bit morbid, and I don’t plan on passing away anytime soon haha. I guess I would have to say I am not just doing it for that though. I am doing it for other people if they come across it to show them that they can get better, and even though life can be a struggle it is worth living, even if you do have to suffer a little.
So I thought I was going to say goodnight a couple minutes ago, but I got thinking again. I really want to start a support center, one for cancer patients, family, survivors, and people affected by any type of cancer and people of any age in the Central New York Area. If anyone can help me, in anyway or give me an idea of who to talk to or where to start with this that would be incredible. I want it to be non-profit, I just want to help people because I now know actually how hard it can be going through this. It really messes with your head and sometimes you just need someone to talk to. I won’t lie, some nights I find myself crying myself to sleep, not because I feel bad for myself, I have a very good outlook on life, but it is uncontrollable. I want to have a support network that can help people that need help with things like that at all hours, any day, no matter what, and of course I am going to need a group of like minded people to help me! So if you have any ideas or help you can shoot my way please let me know. My email is on the page called “The Tech”, but here it is too,
Ok so now that I have that out, I am actually wrapping this up for the night, feel free to IM me or text me or email me or whatever (I know a lot of or’s). I will probably be up pretty late tonight.
More Tomorrow,
-The Tech
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