5:08 PM
So I have actually found myself being pretty busy the last couple of days. My mind has been all over the place. I am currently well...writing this blog, but also working on trying to start a Non-Profit Organization, trying to figure out how to trademark the name Protect Your Pair (I say trying to figure out because it cost $375 just to apply), and I am about to re-install Windows 7 on my PC Laptop. Good thing I have my little MacBook too so I can update my website and keep myself occupied while I wait for that to finish!
Anyways, Jenn and I are so far setting up the benefit concert to really kick this whole thing off. Jenn is doing much more than I to set the whole thing up. So far she has got two bands to play and the date it going to be January 17th. That is really the only information I am going to give out at this time, because we don’t know much more than that. Oh other than we do have a place booked for that day to hold the event.
Anyways, I have been feeling a lot better since I came home from the Blood-Clot stay in the hospital. What a hassle! I mean my mom and I keep saying with me, “if it can go wrong, it is going to” which is pretty much how things have been since November 2nd when I started treatment.
Ok for those of you just joining us lets recap:
Incident #1 - A couple days after leaving my first treatment I ended up in the hospital a second time because we thought I had the swine flu. This was a pain right in the ass as well. I got hospitalized again, and spent about a week in the hospital recovering from all that crap. So then again I went home for a couple days
Incident #2 - The Bleomycin gave me a bad reaction and they determined that they needed to take me off that chemo drug and extend my treatments, so instead of having three treatments I now have four, causing me to end treatment after the New Year...
Incident #3 - While telling me they were stopping Bleomycin the nurses also noticed that I was in Atrial Fib, so we went to my cardiologist where he then admitted me to the hospital and put me on Rythmol to put my heart back to a normal rythm and rate. Luckily I was only there for the night!
Incident #4 - Here we go again, after I left my second treatment I felt like shit, sorry for the language, but I did I felt not good at all. Then when I got home I tried moving my arm and where my PICC line killed when I tried to extend that Arm. So I slept on it for a day....then two...then the pain was in my chest, neck, ear, and head...All on the right side of my body. So....yes back to the hospital. We went to the ER where they did and Ultrasound of my arm and neck, and also did a chest x-ray and a CT. All to find that....I had a Blood-Clot. So I spent the next...6(?) days in the hospital on a Heprin Drip, coumadin, and Percocet. The Percocet was nice, made me feel a lot better, along with my Marinol, Ativan, and Ambien... Anyways it has almost all cleared up now and doesnt hurt anymore.
So now I mean those are the times I have been in the hospital not including my scheduled chemo treatments. Needless to say I am sick of the G D hospital. I am getting to know a lot of people that work there, though I am sorry I have trouble remembering some names all the time. Another thing I need to acknowledge is the nurses at the hospital for keeping me company and talking to me at night while I am in there and I can’t sleep. Not only that but taking such good care of me while I am in the hospital. It means the world to me and my family, but especially me. You all make the stay in the hospital much more bearable!
10:16 PM
So I started this blog post hours ago, and like everything else to day got forgotten in the 5 minute attention span that I have because of my Ativan and Marinol.
Anyways, I am back and I have been spending hours trying to plan out the new website for “Protect Your Pair” the NPO that I am attempting to start. I have also been spending hours trying to get my PC laptop all refreshed and back to where I want it before I have to go back in for chemo this wednesday, but it isn’t working as well as I would like...damn attention span.
Anyways, I think this is all for the night. I am getting pretty tired, which is the Ambien’s fault haha.
So Goodnight, I shall post more tomorrow night!
-The Tech